This is the time of year I find myself reading a handful of what I like to call “Resolution Books.” Topics vary – get fit, get organized, get better habits, get calm, get centered, get a gorgeous complexion, get the clutter out, get your wardrobe straightened … I love them. Do I do what they say? Not necessarily, though I always get at least one new idea or life hack from them. It’s more a comforting ritual for the new year.

Any why just for the new year? Yes I know there is no time like the present when it comes to self-improvement but the fact is the first day of the year is like the first page of a new notebook. Second only to January 1 is the first day of any month. Followed by the first day of a week, though you have some wiggle room on whether you consider your first day Sunday or Monday (to me it depends on how well I stuck to my Saturday evening resolution of “tomorrow I will start X!”) Sometimes tomorrow gets put off till Monday, right?

And this brings me to the book “Get Your Sh*it Together” by Sarah Knight. A short, sweet, and to-the-point call to all who need a kind but firm kick in the rear. Delivered by your funny, foul-mouthed friend.

The small but growing collection of lifestyle and diet books that use, er, direct language to get their point across have a place. Go into any Library nonfiction section and behold the miles of diet, nutrition, and exercise books. The teetering piles of productivity manuals. The shelves bursting with books on how to clean, organize, simplify, and sanctuary-fy your space.  If we all just did what the books tell us there would be no need for any more of these books. I imagine authors like Sarah Knight throwing up their hands and declaring, “That’s it! YOU have GOT to stop %$#@ complaining and get your &$#% together right *%&#@ NOW.”

I don’t want to mislead and make you think this book is just a long harangue from a profane drill sergeant. It isn’t. Knight lays out very simple steps on how to get your act together for the big things and the little things. Using goal setting and prioritizing (which means letting things go and saying no to what doesn’t serve your goals) along with a few other strategies, she gives readers a reasonable road map to stop living two steps behind everything. She isn’t shy about saying you have to put in the work – not a lot of work, but consistent work. And no whining.

This book is perfect for those who are overwhelmed by life, stuff, time, etc. and need a quick shake, a push in the right direction, and a framework to fit most situations, as opposed to long processes and to-do lists. Her language will resonate with the right readers, and those who don’t appreciate salty language will know to stop at the cover.

Happy Reading!

Published December 2016
Little, Brown and Company

An advance galley of this book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest opinion.